Coolcarron, Fermoy, Co. Cork

Strategic Housing Development

Coolcarron, Fermoy, Co. Cork

Strategic Housing Development

Coolcarron, Fermoy, Co. Cork

Cumnor Construction Ltd., are applying for permission for a strategic housing development at Coolcarron (townland), Fermoy, Co. Cork..

The site, which is 11.75 hectares in area, is located in the townland in Coolcarron within the town of Fermoy which is identified as a main town in the Fermoy Municipal District Local Area Plan 2017. The subject site is situated to the south of the Fermoy town centre and approximately 26 kilometres to the north of Cork City Centre. The Fermoy Municipal District Local Area Plan includes the specific zoning objective: FY-R-08. This objective is to provide for Medium A density residential development”. The proposed development will ensure the provision of a residential accommodation development. In line with the objectives of the 2014 Cork County Development Plan and the 2017 Fermoy Municipal District Local Area Plan, the proposed development, which qualifies as a Strategic Housing Development (SHD) under the provision of the new Planning and Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Act 2016, comprises:

  • The construction of 336 no. residential units comprising 242 dwellings houses (comprising a mix of 5, 4, 3 and 2 bed detached, semi-detached and townhouse/terraced units) and 94 no. duplex/simplex units (comprising a mix of 1 and 2 bed units);
  • A 587m2 creche/childcare facility;
  • The provision of landscaping and amenity areas to include 4 no. flexible open space areas with natural play features, a linear green route with a 3m wide shared surface path running along the eastern boundary and a number of informal grassed areas;
  • Public Realm upgrades along the R639, including a shared footpath and cycleway, a 4m toucan crossing with tactile paving;
  • The proposed alteration to the Barrymore-Coolcarron 38kv line. The proposed alteration will involve the undergrounding of a section of the above mentioned overhead 38kV line to facilitate the housing development and the realignment of approximately 13.6 metres of 38kv overhead line. The proposed alterations will comprise of one (1) 12 metre Type “F” lattice steel end terminate mast structure and one (1) 38kV cable sealing ends. The proposed retirement of 282 metres of overhead conductors and one (1)  type “F” Lattice steel mast structure , one (1)  Type “C”  light angle strain structure and one (1) Type “B” portal suspension structure; and
  • All associated ancillary development including vehicular access on to the R639 road, 2 no. access gates to the existing weighbridge and associated ancillary development, lighting, drainage, boundary treatments, bicycle & car parking and bin storage.

An Environmental Impact Assessment Report and a Natura Impact Statement has been prepared in respect of the proposed development and accompanies this application